“Our body is our greatest ally in the healing process”

— Peter Levine

  • EFT Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique is a somatic therapy used to treat emotional distress and physical pain. Like acupuncture, EFT utilises ancient knowledge derived from Chinese medicine. It is understood that the body has pathways in which energy travels, these are known as meridian lines or acupressure points. Where acupuncture uses needles to activate these energetic hot spots, EFT uses fingerpoint tapping.

  • EFT can help with a wide range of issues, anything you would bring to talk therapy can be addressed with EFT.

    Saying that, EFT is a particularly powerful treatment for

    • trauma

    • anxiety

    • depression

    • stuckness

    • physical pain

    • phobias and fears

    • we will sit across from one another

    • compassionate listening and a discussion around what you are looking for support with

    • explanation of how to tap on yourself

    • I will use fingerpoint tapping on my own face and body, you will use fingerpoint tapping on your own face and body

    • guided tuning in to your body through simple exercises

    • guided ‘rounds’ of tapping tailored to your needs

    • moving at a pace comfortable to you

    • grounding practices

  • The EFT tapping points are:

    • top of head

    • eyebrow

    • side of eye

    • under eye

    • under nose

    • chin

    • collarbone

    • under arm

    • outer palm (karate chop)

    During a session I will guide you through which points to tap on

  • No, I do not tap on any part of your face or body. There is no physical contact in a session of EFT.

    I will use finger-point tapping on my face and body, inviting you to follow my lead with finger-point tapping on your own face and body.

  • This will depend on your unique needs. Like with most therapy there is no ‘one size fits all’.

    EFT can be very effective, quickly. Some people may only need one or two sessions. Others may continue longer term. We can discuss this during our first session.